Journal Articles

  • Manning TS, Alexander E, Cumming BG, DeAngelis GC, Huang X, Cooper EA. (2024) Transformations of sensory information in the brain suggest changing criteria for optimality. [Link]. [Code]

  • Manning TS, Naecker BN, McLean IR, Rokers B, Pillow JW, Cooper EA. (2022) A general framework for inferring Bayesian ideal observer models from psychophysical data. eNeuro. [Link] [Code]

  • McLean IR, Manning TS, Cooper EA. (2022) Perceptual adaptation to continuous versus intermittent exposure to spatial distortions. IOVS. 63 (5):29. [Link]

  • Manning TS, Britten KH. (2019) Retinal stabilization reveals limited influence of extraretinal signals on heading tuning in the medial superior temporal area. J Neurosci. 39 (41) 8064-8078. [Link] [Code]

Invited Reviews

  • Manning TS, Britten KH. (2017) Motion processing in primates. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. [Link]

Conference Abstracts

  • Manning TS, Pillow JW, Rokers B, Cooper EA. (2022) Humans make non-ideal inferences about world motion. Poster presented at Vision Sciences Society. [Link] [PDF]

  • Manning TS, Alexander E, DeAngelis GC, Huang X, Cooper EA. (2021) Role of MT Disparity Tuning Biases in Figure-Ground Segregation. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. [Link] [PDF] [Code]

  • McLean IR, Manning TS, Cooper EA. (2021) Perceptual Adaptation to Continuous Versus Intermittent Spatial Distortions. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. [Link]

  • Manning TS, McLean IR, Naecker B, Pillow JW, Rokers B, Cooper EA. (2021) Estimating perceptual priors with finite experiments. Poster presented at Virtual Vision Sciences Society. [Link] [PDF] [Code]

  • Manning TS, Britten KH. (2016) Retinal stabilization reveals limits of efference copy influence on heading tuning in the medial superior temporal area (MST). Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. [Link]

  • Lewis J, Manning T, Schweinhardt P. (2012) Attending to the Painful Limb in CRPS is Associated with Altered fMRI Activation and Performance is Impaired in a Somatosensory Attentional Task. Poster session presented at IASP 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan, Italy.